Pokemon white nintendo ds
Pokemon white nintendo ds

In addition The Nintendo Wifi Connection, which is Nintendo’s online system for DS and Wii games will be shutting down on May 18. The website now only works with the 6th gen games. This includes the Dream World, C-Gear, GTS and other online features. This is continued in the 6th Gen, which is what led me to return to the 5th Gen games.įor those who like me skipped the 5th gen when it was current, as a reminder the 5th Gen Global Link website shut down last summer.

pokemon white nintendo ds

On that note, I’ll say what I’m sure fans of the 5th Gen already know: Nintendo really stepped it up with Black/White and Black 2/White 2’s respective stories. Honestly, I got sidetracked playing through Y and X.

pokemon white nintendo ds

I didn’t get much in the old save files in case anyone’s wondering–the previous owner presumably started the game, got bored/stuck and sold it in frustration.Īnyway, when I returned to the 5th Gen two weeks back I resumed my Black 1 game. When Poke Bank was released last month, I remembered I had all four 5th Gen games and shipped the Pokemon from the preowned games I bought straight to my Poke Bank on each console (Black 1 and White 2 on my Blue 3DS, White 1 and Black 2 on my Red 3DS) and then erased the save data in the games. Then I bought Pokemon Y, a second 3DS, Pokemon White 1, Pokemon X and forgot about the 5th Gen in that order. At the time I had zero interest in playing the 6th Gen games until after I finished all four 5th Gen games.

pokemon white nintendo ds

I actually bought Black 1, Black 2 and White 2 and an Action Replay DS (Pokemon being the only series you want an Action Replay for, LOL) the day Pokemon X and Y were released. As some of you may recall I bought all four 5th Gen games awhile back.

Pokemon white nintendo ds